Publications from the Semantic Software Lab
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"An Ontology-based Approach for the Recovery of Traceability Links",
3rd International Workshop on Metamodels, Schemas, Grammars, and Ontologies for Reverse Engineering (ATEM 2006), Genoa, Italy, October 1st, 2006.
Download: Zhang_etal-ATEM2006.pdf (375 KB)
"Ontology-based Program Comprehension Tool Supporting Website Architectural Evolution",
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution (WSE 2006), Philadelphia, PA, USA : IEEE, pp. 41–49, September 23–24, 2006.
Download: Zhang_etal-WSE2006.pdf (307.26 KB)
"Ontological Approach for the Semantic Recovery of Traceability Links between Software Artifacts",
IET Software, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 185--203, June, 2008.
Download: ietsoft2008-traceability.pdf (553.69 KB)
"Next-Generation Summarization: Contrastive, Focused, and Update Summaries",
International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2007), Borovets, Bulgaria, September 27–29, 2007.
Download: 157_witte.pdf (280.98 KB)
"Text Mining and Software Engineering: an Integrated Source Code and Document Analysis Approach",
IET Software, vol. 2, no. 1 IET, pp. 3–16, 2008.
Download: witte_etal_iet2008.pdf (1.5 MB)
"Flexible Ontology Population from Text: The OwlExporter",
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta : ELRA, pp. 3845--3850, May 19--21, 2010.
Download: lrec2010-owlexporterV2.pdf (477.58 KB)
"A Semantic Wiki Approach to Cultural Heritage Data Management",
Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2008), Marrakech, Morocco, June 1st, 2008.
Download: durm-latech2008.pdf (730.96 KB)
"Context-based Multi-Document Summarization using Fuzzy Coreference Cluster Graphs",
Proceedings of Document Understanding Workshop (DUC), New York City, NY, USA, June 8–9, 2006.
Download: 20.final_.pdf (545.61 KB)
"Fuzzy Belief Revision",
9th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2002), Toulouse, France, pp. 311–320, April 19–21, 2002.
Download: witte_fuzzybeliefrevision.pdf (131.43 KB)
"Intelligent Software Development Environments: Integrating Natural Language Processing with the Eclipse Platform",
24th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2011), vol. 6657, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada : Springer-Verlag, pp. 408–419, May 25–27, 2011.
Download: cai11-saeclipse.pdf (429.57 KB)
"Semantic Assistants – User-Centric Natural Language Processing Services for Desktop Clients",
3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), vol. 5367, Bangkok, Thailand : Springer, pp. 360–374, Feb. 2–5, 2009, 2008.
Download: witte_gitzinger_semantic_assistants_aswc08.pdf (331.04 KB)
"Semantic Assistants: SOA for Text Mining",
CASCON 2009 Technical Showcase, Markham, Ontario, Canada, November 2–9, 2009.
"The LODeXporter: Flexible Generation of Linked Open Data Triples from NLP Frameworks for Automatic Knowledge Base Construction",
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan : European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp. 2423-2428, May 7-12, 2018.
Download: lodexporter-lrec2018.pdf (234.03 KB)
"Ontology Design for Biomedical Text Mining",
Semantic Web: Revolutionizing Knowledge Discovery in the Life Sciences, New York, NY, USA : Springer Science+Business Media, pp. 281–313, 2007.
Download: ontology_design_preprint.pdf (811.59 KB)
"Fuzzy Clustering for Topic Analysis and Summarization of Document Collections",
Proceedings of the 20th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian A.I. 2007), vol. 4509, Montréal, Québec, Canada : Springer, pp. 476–488, May 28–30, 2007.
Download: fuzzy_clustering_CAI2007.pdf (375.22 KB)
"Task-Dependent Visualization of Coreference Resolution Results",
International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2007), Borovets, Bulgaria, September 27–29, 2007.
Download: 075_witte.pdf (735.67 KB)
"Towards A Systematic Evaluation of Protein Mutation Extraction Systems",
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB), vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1339–1359, December, 2007.
Download: witte_baker_jbcb2007.pdf (248.69 KB)
"Engineering a Semantic Desktop for Building Historians and Architects",
1st Workshop on The Semantic Desktop - Next Generation Personal Information Management and Collaboration Infrastructure, vol. 175, Galway, Ireland, pp. 138–152, November 6, 2005.
Download: 34_witte_engineeringsd_final.pdf (503.37 KB)
"Integrating Wiki Systems, Natural Language Processing, and Semantic Technologies for Cultural Heritage Data Management",
Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 213--230, 2011.
Download: durmChapter.pdf (589.49 KB)
"Fuzzy Coreference Resolution for Summarization",
Proceedings of 2003 International Symposium on Reference Resolution and Its Applications to Question Answering and Summarization (ARQAS), Venice, Italy : Università Ca' Foscari, pp. 43–50, June 23–24, 2003.
Download: wittebergler_fuzzycoref.pdf (148.5 KB); wittebergler_fuzzycoref_slides.pdf (126.51 KB)
"A General Architecture for Connecting NLP Frameworks and Desktop Clients using Web Services",
LNCS, vol. 5039, London, UK : Springer, pp. 317--322, June 24--27, 2008.
Download: nldb2008.pdf (358.34 KB)
"Supporting Reverse Engineering Tasks with a Fuzzy Repository Framework",
6. Workshop Software-Reengineering, vol. 24, no. 2, Bad Honnef, Germany : GI, May 3–5, 2004.
Download: wittekoelsch.pdf (128.41 KB)
"Ontological Text Mining of Software Documents",
NLDB, vol. 4592, CNAM, Paris, France : Springer, pp. 168–180, June 27–29, 2007.
Download: software_text_mining_nldb2007.pdf (207.08 KB)
"Connecting Wikis and Natural Language Processing Systems",
WikiSym '07: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Wikis, Montréal, Canada : ACM, pp. 165–176, October 21--23, 2007.
"ERSS 2005: Coreference-Based Summarization Reloaded",
Proceedings of Document Understanding Workshop (DUC), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, October 9–10, 2005.
Download: ukarlsruhe.witte_.pdf (143.22 KB)
"Enhanced semantic access to the protein engineering literature using ontologies populated by text mining",
Int.\ J.\ Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 389–413, 2007.
Download: witte_etal_ijbra2007.pdf (376.3 KB)
"Tutorial: Introduction to Text Mining",
10th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2006), Munich, Germany, 26-31 March 2006.
Download: IntroductionToTextMining.pdf (6.41 MB)
"Adding Natural Language Processing Support to your (Semantic) MediaWiki",
The 9th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Spring 2014), Montreal, Canada, 05/2014.
Download: wiki-nlp-tutorial-smwcon2014.pdf (3.1 MB)
"Converting a Historical Architecture Encyclopedia into a Semantic Knowledge Base",
IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, no. 1, Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 58--66, January/February, 2010.
Download: ieee-is-durm.pdf (1.61 MB)
"Generating Update Summaries for DUC 2007",
Proceedings of Document Understanding Workshop (DUC) at NAACL-HLT 2007, Rochester, NY, USA, April 26–27, 2007.
Download: ukarlsruhe.final_.pdf (173.79 KB)
"An Integration Architecture for User-Centric Document Creation, Retrieval, and Analysis",
Proceedings of the VLDB Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb'04), Toronto, Canada, pp. 141–144, August 30, 2004.
Download: witte_iiweb04.pdf (207.73 KB)
"Semantic Content Access Using Domain-Independent NLP Ontologies",
15th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2010), no. 6177, Cardiff, UK : Springer, pp. 36--47, June 23--25, 2010.
Download: nldb2010-ontonlp.pdf (3.06 MB)
"Empowering Software Maintainers with Semantic Web Technologies",
4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), no. 4519, Innsbruck, Austria : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 37–52, June 3–7, 2007.
Download: eswc07-witte.pdf (689.81 KB)
"Combining Biological Databases and Text Mining to support New Bioinformatics Applications",
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 10th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2005), vol. 3513, Alicante, Spain : Springer-Verlag, pp. 310–321, June 15–17, 2005.
Download: witte_baker_nldb05.pdf (360.06 KB)
Architektur von Fuzzy-Informationssystemen,
BoD, 2002.
"A Quality Perspective of Software Evolvability Using Semantic Analysis",
Third IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2009), Berkeley, CA, USA : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 420--427, September 14--16, 2009.
Download: evolvability-icsc2009.pdf (815.06 KB)
"Smarter Wikis through Integrated Natural Language Processing Assistants",
Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon) Spring 2013, New York City, NY, USA, 03/2013.
Download: smwcon13_talk.pdf (1.3 MB)
"Semantic representation of scientific literature: bringing claims, contributions and named entities onto the Linked Open Data cloud",
PeerJ Computer Science, vol. 1, no. e37 PeerJ, 12/2015.
Download: peerj-cs-37.pdf (8.69 MB)
"Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) for Scientific Literature Management",
The 9th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Spring 2014), Montréal, Canada, 05/2014.
Download: zeeva-smwcon14-talk.pdf (1.07 MB)
"Supporting Wiki Users with Natural Language Processing",
The 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym 2012), Linz, Austria : ACM, 08/2012.
Download: wikinlp-demo.pdf (363.11 KB)
"Smarter Mobile Apps through Integrated Natural Language Processing Services",
The 10th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS 2013), vol. 8093, Paphos, Cyprus : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 187–202, 08/2013.
Download: mobiwis13_android.pdf (660.5 KB)
"Personal Research Assistants for Young Researchers",
Writing Analytics Literacy – Bridging from Research to Practice (LAK 17), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 03/2017.
Download: lak17_abstract.pdf (87.79 KB)
"Text Mining Assistants in Wikis for Biocuration",
5th International Biocuration Conference, Washington DC, USA : International Society for Biocuration, pp. 126, 04/2012.
Download: biocuration2012poster.png (1.22 MB)
"From Papers to Triples: An Open Source Workflow for Semantic Publishing Experiments",
Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (SAVE-SD 2016), Montréal, QC, Canada : Springer, 04/2016.
Download: savesd16-demo.pdf (908.21 KB)
"Text Analytics with Eclipse for Software Engineers",
CASCON 2011, Toronto/Markham, ON, Canada, 11/2011.
"IntelliGenWiki: An Intelligent Semantic Wiki for Life Sciences",
NETTAB 2012, vol. 18 (Supplement B), Como, Italy : EMBnet.journal, pp. 50–52, 11/2012.
Download: 547-3128-2-PB.pdf (295.06 KB)
"What's in this paper? Combining Rhetorical Entities with Linked Open Data for Semantic Literature Querying",
Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (SAVE-SD 2015), Florence, Italy : ACM, pp. 1023–1028, 05/2015.
"Can Text Mining Assistants Help to Improve Requirements Specifications?",
Mining Unstructured Data (MUD 2012), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, October 17, 2012.
Download: mud2012-ReqWiki.pdf (375.44 KB)
"Supporting Researchers with a Semantic Literature Management Wiki",
The 4th Workshop on Semantic Publishing (SePublica 2014), vol. 1155, Anissaras, Crete, Greece :, 05/2014.
Download: zeeva-sepublica14.pdf (700.77 KB)
"Collaborative Semantic Management and Automated Analysis of Scientific Literature",
The 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), vol. 8798, Anissaras, Crete, Greece : Springer, pp. 494-498, 05/2014.
Download: zeeva-eswc14.pdf (311.49 KB)