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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

Publications from the Semantic Software Lab

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Witte, R., and J. Mülle (Eds.), Text Mining: Wissensgewinnung aus natürlichsprachigen Dokumenten, Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Informatik, Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation (IPD), 2006. Abstract  Download: TextMining-Bericht2006.pdf (2.37 MB)
Rilling, J., P. Charland, and R. Witte, Traceability in Software Engineering – Past, Present and Future, , no. TR-74-211, CASCON 2007 Workshop : IBM Technical Report, October 25, 2007. Abstract  Download: cascon07_TR-74-211.pdf (46.8 KB)
Journal Article
Rilling, J., R. Witte, P. Schuegerl, and P. Charland, "Beyond Information Silos – An Omnipresent Approach to Software Evolution", International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 431--468, December, 2008.  Download: Rilling_et_al-IJSC2008.pdf (3.45 MB)
Witte, R., R. Krestel, T. Kappler, and P. C. Lockemann, "Converting a Historical Architecture Encyclopedia into a Semantic Knowledge Base", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, no. 1, Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 58--66, January/February, 2010. Abstract  Download: ieee-is-durm.pdf (1.61 MB)
Witte, R., T. Kappler, and C. J. O. Baker, "Enhanced semantic access to the protein engineering literature using ontologies populated by text mining", Int.\ J.\ Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 389–413, 2007. Abstract  Download: witte_etal_ijbra2007.pdf (376.3 KB)
Krestel, R., S. Bergler, and R. Witte, "Modeling human newspaper readers: The Fuzzy Believer approach", Natural Language Engineering, vol. 20, no. 02, pp. 261–288, April 2014. Abstract  Download: nle_fuzzy_believer.pdf (313.8 KB)
Baker, C. J. O., and R. Witte, "Mutation mining–A prospector's tale", Information Systems Frontiers (ISF), vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 47–57, February, 2006. Abstract
Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, I. Morgenstern, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Semantic text mining support for lignocellulose research", BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, vol. 12, no. Suppl 1, pp. S5, 04/2012. Abstract  Download: BMCMIDM2012-1472-6947-12-S1-S5.pdf (1.38 MB)
Rilling, J., W. J. Meng, R. Witte, and P. Charland, "Story Driven Approach to Software Evolution", IET Software, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 304--320, August, 2008. Abstract  Download: ietsoft2008-story.pdf (1.15 MB)
Witte, R., and C. J. O. Baker, "Towards A Systematic Evaluation of Protein Mutation Extraction Systems", Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB), vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1339–1359, December, 2007. Abstract  Download: witte_baker_jbcb2007.pdf (248.69 KB)
Conference Proceedings
Witte, R., C. J. O. Baker, G. Butler, and M. Dumontier (Eds.), "Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS 2013)", 4th Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS 2013), vol. 1054, Montréal, QC, Canada :, 06/2011, 2013.  Download: CSWS2013-complete.pdf (7.49 MB)
Baker, C. J. O., R. Witte, and D. Rebholz-Schuhmann (Eds.), "Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) 2010 Workshop: Annotation, interpretation and management of mutations (AIMM)", ECCB 2010 Workshop: Annotation interpretation and management of mutations (AIMM), BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 12 Suppl 4, 2011.
Conference Paper
Witte, R., and B. Sateli, "Adding Natural Language Processing Support to your (Semantic) MediaWiki", The 9th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Spring 2014), Montreal, Canada, 05/2014.  Download: wiki-nlp-tutorial-smwcon2014.pdf (3.1 MB)
Lockemann, P. C., and R. Witte, "Agents and Databases: Friends or Foes?", Ninth International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2005), Montréal, Québec, Canada, pp. 137–147, July 25–27, 2005. Abstract  Download: lockemann_witte_ideas2005.pdf (119.25 KB)
Bakalov, F., M. - J. Meurs, B. König-Ries, B. Sateli, R. Witte, G. Butler, and A. Tsang, "An Approach to Controlling User Models and Personalization Effects in Recommender Systems", International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '13), Santa Monica, CA, USA : ACM, pp. 49–56, 03/2013. Abstract  Download: iui13.pdf (420.74 KB)
Rebholz-Schuhmann, D., A. Jimeno-Yepes, C. Li, S. Kafkas, I. Lewin, N. Kang, P. Corbett, D. Milward, E. Buyko, E. Beisswanger, et al., "Assessment of NER solutions against the first and second CALBC silver standard corpus", Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium for Semantic Mining in Biomedicine, vol. 714, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 10/2010.  Download: Paper08_RebholzSchuhmann.pdf (162.5 KB)
Qu, Y., J. Shanahan, and J. Wiebe (Eds.), Bergler, S., M. Doandes, C. Gerard, and R. Witte, "Attributions", Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text: Theories and Applications, Stanford, California, USA : AAAI Press, pp. 16–19, March 22–25, 2004. Abstract  Download: SS04-07-004.pdf (46.85 KB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Automatic Construction of a Semantic Knowledge Base from CEUR Workshop Proceedings", The 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (The Semantic Publishing Challenge 2015), vol. 548, Portoroz, Slovenia : Springer, pp. 129–141, 06/2015. Abstract  Download: sempub2015_poster.pdf (1.52 MB); sempub_challenge2015.pdf (903.62 KB)
Rilling, J., R. Witte, and Y. Zhang, "Automatic Traceability Recovery: An Ontological Approach", International Symposium on Grand Challenges in Traceability (GCT'07), Lexington, Kentucky, USA : Center of Excellence in Traceability, March 22–23, 2007. Abstract
Sack, H., S. Dietze, A. Tordai, and C. Lange (Eds.), Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "An Automatic Workflow for Formalization of Scholarly Articles' Structural and Semantic Elements", The 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (The Semantic Publishing Challenge 2016), vol. 641, Heraklion, Crete, Greece : Springer International Publishing, pp. 309–320, 06/2016. Abstract  Download: sempub_challenge2016_extended.pdf (668.56 KB)
Krestel, R., S. Bergler, and R. Witte, "A Belief Revision Approach to Textual Entailment Recognition", Proceedings of the First Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2008), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA : National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), November 17--19, 2008.  Download: IPD.proceedings.pdf (298.31 KB)
Krestel, R., R. Witte, and S. Bergler, "Believe It or Not: Solving the TAC 2009 Textual Entailment Tasks through an Artificial Believer System", Proceedings of the Second Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2009), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA : National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), November 16–17, 2009. Abstract  Download: ssl.proceedings.pdf (189.84 KB)
Sateli, B., E. Angius, S. S. Rajivelu, and R. Witte, "Can Text Mining Assistants Help to Improve Requirements Specifications?", Mining Unstructured Data (MUD 2012), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, October 17, 2012. Abstract  Download: mud2012-ReqWiki.pdf (375.44 KB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Collaborative Semantic Management and Automated Analysis of Scientific Literature", The 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), vol. 8798, Anissaras, Crete, Greece : Springer, pp. 494-498, 05/2014. Abstract  Download: zeeva-eswc14.pdf (311.49 KB)
Witte, R., and C. J. O. Baker, "Combining Biological Databases and Text Mining to support New Bioinformatics Applications", Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 10th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2005), vol. 3513, Alicante, Spain : Springer-Verlag, pp. 310–321, June 15–17, 2005. Abstract  Download: witte_baker_nldb05.pdf (360.06 KB)
Witte, R., and T. Gitzinger, "Connecting Wikis and Natural Language Processing Systems", WikiSym '07: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Wikis, Montréal, Canada : ACM, pp. 165–176, October 21--23, 2007. Abstract
Kobti, Z., and D. Wu (Eds.), Krestel, R., R. Witte, and S. Bergler, "Creating a Fuzzy Believer to Model Human Newspaper Readers", Proceedings of the 20th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian A.I. 2007), vol. 4509, Montréal, Québec, Canada : Springer, pp. 489–501, May 28–30, 2007. Abstract  Download: fuzzy_believer_CAI2007.pdf (181.98 KB)
Baker, C. J. O., A. Shaban-Nejad, R. Witte, V. Haarslev, and G. Butler, "Empowering the Enzyme Biotechnologist with Ontologies", 10th International Congress on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry (ICBPPI 2007), Monona Terrace, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, June 10–14, 2007. Abstract  Download: ICBPPI2007-poster.png (570.97 KB)
Bakalov, F., M. - J. Meurs, B. König-Ries, B. Sateli, R. Witte, G. Butler, and A. Tsang, "Empowering web portal users with personalized text mining services", NETTAB 2012, vol. 18 (Supplement B), Como, Italy : EMBnet.journal, pp. 81--83, 11/2012. Abstract  Download: 558-3133-2-PB.pdf (426.25 KB); Bakalov_NETTAB2012poster.pdf (927.73 KB)
Gitzinger, T., and R. Witte, "Enhancing the Word Processor with Natural Language Processing Capabilities", Natural Language Processing resources, algorithms and tools for authoring aids, Marrakech, Morocco, June 1, 2008. Abstract  Download: ooassist.pdf (545.53 KB)
Baker, C. J. O., and R. Witte, "Enriching Protein Structure Visualizations with Mutation Annotations Obtained by Text Mining Protein Engineering Literature", The 3rd Canadian Working Conference on Computational Biology (CCCB'04), Markham, Ontario, Canada, October 4, 2004. Abstract  Download: baker_witte_cccb04.pdf (272.1 KB)
Witte, R., N. Khamis, and J. Rilling, "Flexible Ontology Population from Text: The OwlExporter", International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta : ELRA, pp. 3845--3850, May 19--21, 2010. Abstract  Download: lrec2010-owlexporterV2.pdf (477.58 KB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "From Papers to Triples: An Open Source Workflow for Semantic Publishing Experiments", Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (SAVE-SD 2016), Montréal, QC, Canada : Springer, 04/2016. Abstract  Download: savesd16-demo.pdf (908.21 KB)
Baker, C. J. O., R. Witte, A. Shaban-Nejad, G. Butler, and V. Haarslev, "The FungalWeb Ontology: Application Scenarios", Eighth Annual Bio-Ontologies Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, USA, pp. 1–2, June 24, 2005. Abstract  Download: Baker-etal-8th-Bio-Ontologies-Abstract.pdf (30.2 KB)
Witte, R., "Fuzzy Belief Revision", 9th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2002), Toulouse, France, pp. 311–320, April 19–21, 2002. Abstract  Download: witte_fuzzybeliefrevision.pdf (131.43 KB)
Kobti, Z., and D. Wu (Eds.), Witte, R., and S. Bergler, "Fuzzy Clustering for Topic Analysis and Summarization of Document Collections", Proceedings of the 20th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian A.I. 2007), vol. 4509, Montréal, Québec, Canada : Springer, pp. 476–488, May 28–30, 2007. Abstract  Download: fuzzy_clustering_CAI2007.pdf (375.22 KB)
Krestel, R., R. Witte, and S. Bergler, "Fuzzy Set Theory-Based Belief Processing for Natural Language Texts", Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada : AAAI Press, pp. 1878–1879, July 22–26, 2007. Abstract  Download: fuzzyBeliever-AAAI2007.pdf (79.96 KB); fuzzybeliever-aaai2007.png (205.48 KB)
Khamis, N., R. Witte, and J. Rilling, "Generating an NLP Corpus from Java Source Code: The SSL Javadoc Doclet", New Challenges for NLP Frameworks, Valletta, Malta : ELRA, pp. 41–45, May 22, 2010. Abstract  Download: nlpf2010-ssldoclet.pdf (436.13 KB)
Butz, C., and P. Lingras (Eds.), Witte, R., B. Sateli, N. Khamis, and J. Rilling, "Intelligent Software Development Environments: Integrating Natural Language Processing with the Eclipse Platform", 24th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2011), vol. 6657, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada : Springer-Verlag, pp. 408–419, May 25–27, 2011. Abstract  Download: cai11-saeclipse.pdf (429.57 KB)