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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

Publications from the Semantic Software Lab

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Biofuel Research
Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, N. Naderi, I. Morgenstern, C. Cantu, S. Semarjit, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Towards Evaluating the Impact of Semantic Support for Curating the Fungus Scientific Literature", The 3rd Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS2011) , vol. 774 , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada , 08/2011. Abstract  Download: mushmancsws2011.pdf (267.44 KB)
biology and genetics experimentation
Ananiadou, S., D. Lee, S. Navathe, and M. Song (Eds.), Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, I. Morgenstern, N. Naderi, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Semantic Text Mining for Lignocellulose Research", The ACM Fifth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics in conjunction with CIKM, Glasgow, UK : ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011, 10/2011. Abstract  Download: dtmbio2011_talk.pdf (1.22 MB); dtmbio2011_authorsversion.pdf (667.39 KB)
Extrinsic Evaluation
Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, N. Naderi, I. Morgenstern, C. Cantu, S. Semarjit, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Towards Evaluating the Impact of Semantic Support for Curating the Fungus Scientific Literature", The 3rd Canadian Semantic Web Symposium (CSWS2011) , vol. 774 , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada , 08/2011. Abstract  Download: mushmancsws2011.pdf (267.44 KB)
lignocellulose research
Ananiadou, S., D. Lee, S. Navathe, and M. Song (Eds.), Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, I. Morgenstern, N. Naderi, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Semantic Text Mining for Lignocellulose Research", The ACM Fifth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics in conjunction with CIKM, Glasgow, UK : ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011, 10/2011. Abstract  Download: dtmbio2011_talk.pdf (1.22 MB); dtmbio2011_authorsversion.pdf (667.39 KB)
Semantic Computing
Ananiadou, S., D. Lee, S. Navathe, and M. Song (Eds.), Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, I. Morgenstern, N. Naderi, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Semantic Text Mining for Lignocellulose Research", The ACM Fifth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics in conjunction with CIKM, Glasgow, UK : ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011, 10/2011. Abstract  Download: dtmbio2011_talk.pdf (1.22 MB); dtmbio2011_authorsversion.pdf (667.39 KB)
text analysis
Ananiadou, S., D. Lee, S. Navathe, and M. Song (Eds.), Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, I. Morgenstern, N. Naderi, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Semantic Text Mining for Lignocellulose Research", The ACM Fifth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics in conjunction with CIKM, Glasgow, UK : ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011, 10/2011. Abstract  Download: dtmbio2011_talk.pdf (1.22 MB); dtmbio2011_authorsversion.pdf (667.39 KB)
text mining
Ananiadou, S., D. Lee, S. Navathe, and M. Song (Eds.), Meurs, M. - J., C. Murphy, I. Morgenstern, N. Naderi, G. Butler, J. Powlowski, A. Tsang, and R. Witte, "Semantic Text Mining for Lignocellulose Research", The ACM Fifth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics in conjunction with CIKM, Glasgow, UK : ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011, 10/2011. Abstract  Download: dtmbio2011_talk.pdf (1.22 MB); dtmbio2011_authorsversion.pdf (667.39 KB)