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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

Publications from the Semantic Software Lab

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natural language processing
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "What's in this paper? Combining Rhetorical Entities with Linked Open Data for Semantic Literature Querying", Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (SAVE-SD 2015), Florence, Italy : ACM, pp. 1023–1028, 05/2015. Abstract
Gracia, J., F. Bond, J. P. McCrae, P. Buitelaar, and C. Chiarcos (Eds.), Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Personal Research Agents on the Web of Linked Open Data", Language, Data and Knowledge 2017 (LDK 2017), vol. 10318, Galway, Ireland : Springer International Publishing, pp. 10--25, 05/2017.  Download: ldk17.pdf (2.04 MB)
Specht, G., H. Gamper, and F. Klan (Eds.), Löffler, F., B. Sateli, R. Witte, and B. König-Ries, "Towards Semantic Recommendation of Biodiversity Datasets based on Linked Open Data", The 26th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken), vol. 1313, Bozen, Italy :, pp. 65–70, 10/2014. Abstract  Download: Loeffler_GvDB2014.pdf (1.68 MB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "From Papers to Triples: An Open Source Workflow for Semantic Publishing Experiments", Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (SAVE-SD 2016), Montréal, QC, Canada : Springer, 04/2016. Abstract  Download: savesd16-demo.pdf (908.21 KB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Collaborative Semantic Management and Automated Analysis of Scientific Literature", The 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), vol. 8798, Anissaras, Crete, Greece : Springer, pp. 494-498, 05/2014. Abstract  Download: zeeva-eswc14.pdf (311.49 KB)
Sateli, B., E. Angius, S. S. Rajivelu, and R. Witte, "Can Text Mining Assistants Help to Improve Requirements Specifications?", Mining Unstructured Data (MUD 2012), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, October 17, 2012. Abstract  Download: mud2012-ReqWiki.pdf (375.44 KB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Automatic Construction of a Semantic Knowledge Base from CEUR Workshop Proceedings", The 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (The Semantic Publishing Challenge 2015), vol. 548, Portoroz, Slovenia : Springer, pp. 129–141, 06/2015. Abstract  Download: sempub2015_poster.pdf (1.52 MB); sempub_challenge2015.pdf (903.62 KB)
Witte, R., R. Krestel, T. Kappler, and P. C. Lockemann, "Converting a Historical Architecture Encyclopedia into a Semantic Knowledge Base", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, no. 1, Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 58--66, January/February, 2010. Abstract  Download: ieee-is-durm.pdf (1.61 MB)
Khamis, N., "Assessing The Quality Factors Found in In-Line Documentation Written in Natural Language: The JavadocMiner", Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Master of Applied Science (Software Engineering), Montréal, Quebec : Concordia University, 04/2011. Abstract  Download: JavadocMiner.pdf (2.46 MB)
Witte, R., and T. Gitzinger, "Semantic Assistants – User-Centric Natural Language Processing Services for Desktop Clients", 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), vol. 5367, Bangkok, Thailand : Springer, pp. 360–374, Feb. 2–5, 2009, 2008. Abstract  Download: witte_gitzinger_semantic_assistants_aswc08.pdf (331.04 KB)
Baker, C. J. O., and K. - H. Cheung (Eds.), Witte, R., T. Kappler, and C. J. O. Baker, "Ontology Design for Biomedical Text Mining", Semantic Web: Revolutionizing Knowledge Discovery in the Life Sciences, New York, NY, USA : Springer Science+Business Media, pp. 281–313, 2007. Abstract  Download: ontology_design_preprint.pdf (811.59 KB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) for Scientific Literature Management", The 9th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Spring 2014), Montréal, Canada, 05/2014. Abstract  Download: zeeva-smwcon14-talk.pdf (1.07 MB)
Witte, R., N. Khamis, and J. Rilling, "Flexible Ontology Population from Text: The OwlExporter", International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Valletta, Malta : ELRA, pp. 3845--3850, May 19--21, 2010. Abstract  Download: lrec2010-owlexporterV2.pdf (477.58 KB)
Witte, R., and B. Sateli, "Adding Natural Language Processing Support to your (Semantic) MediaWiki", The 9th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Spring 2014), Montreal, Canada, 05/2014.  Download: wiki-nlp-tutorial-smwcon2014.pdf (3.1 MB)
Khamis, N., R. Witte, and J. Rilling, "Generating an NLP Corpus from Java Source Code: The SSL Javadoc Doclet", New Challenges for NLP Frameworks, Valletta, Malta : ELRA, pp. 41–45, May 22, 2010. Abstract  Download: nlpf2010-ssldoclet.pdf (436.13 KB)
Butz, C., and P. Lingras (Eds.), Witte, R., B. Sateli, N. Khamis, and J. Rilling, "Intelligent Software Development Environments: Integrating Natural Language Processing with the Eclipse Platform", 24th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2011), vol. 6657, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada : Springer-Verlag, pp. 408–419, May 25–27, 2011. Abstract  Download: cai11-saeclipse.pdf (429.57 KB)
Krestel, R., R. Witte, and S. Bergler, "Predicate-Argument EXtractor (PAX)", New Challenges for NLP Frameworks, Valletta, Malta : ELRA, pp. 51--54, May 22, 2010. Abstract  Download: lrec2010-pax.pdf (405.72 KB)
NLP Components
Khamis, N., R. Witte, and J. Rilling, "Generating an NLP Corpus from Java Source Code: The SSL Javadoc Doclet", New Challenges for NLP Frameworks, Valletta, Malta : ELRA, pp. 41–45, May 22, 2010. Abstract  Download: nlpf2010-ssldoclet.pdf (436.13 KB)