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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada


Traceability Link Management and Recovery in Software Engineering

OpenTrace: a Workbench for Automatic Software Traceability Link Generation and Evaluation

The OpenTrace workbench provides for automatic traceability link recovery between various types of textual artifacts of a software project. It includes a collection of customizable GATE pipelines and configurable components that allow to generate, evaluate and visualize traceability information. OpenTrace facilitates reproducibility, as it provides out-of-the-box traceability; as well as support for all-in-one packaging of tools, datasets, and configurations ready for remote distribution, download, and installation.

{An Ontology-based Approach for the Recovery of Traceability Links}

Zhang, Y., R. Witte, J. Rilling, and V. Haarslev, "{An Ontology-based Approach for the Recovery of Traceability Links}", 3rd International Workshop on Metamodels, Schemas, Grammars, and Ontologies for Reverse Engineering (ATEM 2006), Genoa, Italy, October 1st, 2006.

Automatic Traceability Recovery: An Ontological Approach

Rilling, J., R. Witte, and Y. Zhang, "Automatic Traceability Recovery: An Ontological Approach", International Symposium on Grand Challenges in Traceability (GCT'07), Lexington, Kentucky, USA : Center of Excellence in Traceability, March 22–23, 2007.
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