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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

Publications from the Semantic Software Lab

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Witte, R., and B. Sateli, "Adding Natural Language Processing Support to your (Semantic) MediaWiki", The 9th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Spring 2014), Montreal, Canada, 05/2014.  Download: wiki-nlp-tutorial-smwcon2014.pdf (3.1 MB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Collaborative Semantic Management and Automated Analysis of Scientific Literature", The 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), vol. 8798, Anissaras, Crete, Greece : Springer, pp. 494-498, 05/2014. Abstract  Download: zeeva-eswc14.pdf (311.49 KB)
Sateli, B., and R. Witte, "Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) for Scientific Literature Management", The 9th Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon Spring 2014), Montréal, Canada, 05/2014. Abstract  Download: zeeva-smwcon14-talk.pdf (1.07 MB)
Sateli, B., E. Angius, S. S. Rajivelu, and R. Witte, "Can Text Mining Assistants Help to Improve Requirements Specifications?", Mining Unstructured Data (MUD 2012), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, October 17, 2012. Abstract  Download: mud2012-ReqWiki.pdf (375.44 KB)
Witte, R., R. Krestel, T. Kappler, and P. C. Lockemann, "Converting a Historical Architecture Encyclopedia into a Semantic Knowledge Base", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, no. 1, Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 58--66, January/February, 2010. Abstract  Download: ieee-is-durm.pdf (1.61 MB)