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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

Information for Students

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We currently offer the following courses for students:

Additionally, the CSE department offers a number of related graduate courses on Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Systems, Semantic Web, Artificial Intelligence, and Information Retrieval, which provides Concordia students a unique opportunity to obtain a comprehensive education in semantic sciences.

Research Positions

All currently open positions (undergraduate research assistants, MSc/PhD research, post-doctoral) are announced on our jobs page.

You are welcome to send a blind application through our contact form, but please understand that we can only guarantee a reply for short-listed candidates to announced positions. In either case, make sure to include substantial proof of your programming competency, e.g., by referencing code you've written in an open source repository like SorceForge or GitHub, as well as demonstrating your English writing skills, e.g., by referring to your (technical) blog. Also, please note that we generally do not accept "self-funded" (or non-funded) students. Additionally, all positions require full-time work (unless stated otherwise in the job description).