New Semantic Computing course at Concordia University
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Note: Please visit the Semantic Computing Course page for up-to-date information on this course.
In the next Winter Term (2010/11) I will offer, for the first time, a graduate-level research course on Semantic Computing (SOEN 691B) at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering. This course will provide an introduction to selected topics from Semantic Computing.
A (tentative) list of topics to be covered is:
- Introduction to Semantic Computing
- Introduction to Semantic Computing Paradigms and Applications; Processes, Tools, and Standards for Deriving Intelligence from (User-Generated) Content
- Text Mining Systems
- Foundations of Language Technology and Language Engineering; Text Mining Systems; Industry Standards; Design and Deployment of Text Mining Solutions; Information Extraction; Case Study: The General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE)
- Tagging and Tag Analysis
- Social Tagging vs. Machine-Generated Tags; Folksonomies; Dynamic Navigation and Tag Clouds
- Analyzing the Blogosphere
- Blog Tracking; Opinion Mining; Standards: RSS, ATOM; Services: Technorati, Bloglines
- Linked Data
- RDF; Triplestores; SPARQL; Microformats; GRDDL; Linked Open Data; Case Studies: DBpedia, Freebase, FOAF, GeoNames
- Information Repositories and Information Retrieval
- Digital Object Management; Semantic Digital Libraries; Semantic Metadata; Dublin Core; Information Retrieval; Lucene; Solr; FedoraCommons; GATE Mimir; OWLIM
- Ontologies and the Semantic Web
- Web Ontology Language (OWL); Ontology Editors; Foundations of Description Logics; DL Reasoners; Ontology Learning; Ontology Population
- Recommender Systems and Collaborative Filtering.
- Theory and Implementation of Recommender Engines.
- Semantic Desktops and Semantic Wikis
- Integration of Semantic Technologies into Desktop Environments and Information Systems; Case Studies: Semantic MediaWiki, Nepomuk, Semantic Assistants.
- Scalable Semantic Systems Engineering
- Clustering and Cloud Computing Paradigms; Apache Hadoop and MapReduce; Scalable Web Crawling using Nutch.
The course places a strong focus on the practical aspects of building semantic solutions. Students will have to complete a project on a selected course topic and present their work in class.
Registration is open now.
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