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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

Publications from the Semantic Software Lab

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Bakalov, F., M. - J. Meurs, B. König-Ries, B. Sateli, R. Witte, G. Butler, and A. Tsang, "An Approach to Controlling User Models and Personalization Effects in Recommender Systems", International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '13), Santa Monica, CA, USA : ACM, pp. 49–56, 03/2013. Abstract  Download: iui13.pdf (420.74 KB)
Bakalov, F., M. - J. Meurs, B. König-Ries, B. Sateli, R. Witte, G. Butler, and A. Tsang, "Empowering web portal users with personalized text mining services", NETTAB 2012, vol. 18 (Supplement B), Como, Italy : EMBnet.journal, pp. 81--83, 11/2012. Abstract  Download: 558-3133-2-PB.pdf (426.25 KB); Bakalov_NETTAB2012poster.pdf (927.73 KB)
Bakalov, F., M. - J. Meurs, B. König-Ries, B. Sateli, R. Witte, G. Butler, and A. Tsang, "Personalized Semantic Assistance for the Curation of Biochemical Literature", IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2012), Philadelphia, PA, USA : IEEE, 10/2012. Abstract  Download: Bakalov_BIBM2012.pdf (348.96 KB)
Bakalov, F., B. Sateli, R. Witte, M. - J. Meurs, and B. König-Ries, "Natural Language Processing for Semantic Assistance in Web Portals", IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2012), Palermo, Italy : IEEE, 09/2012 . Abstract  Download: Bakalov_ICSC2012.pdf (726.36 KB)