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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

Publications from the Semantic Software Lab

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Filters: Author is Praharshana Perera  [Clear All Filters]
Perera, P., and R. Witte, "A Self-Learning Context-Aware Lemmatizer for German", Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT/EMNLP 2005), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada : Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), pp. 636–643, October 6–8, 2005. Abstract  Download: H05-1080.pdf (208.95 KB)
Witte, R., P. Gerlach, M. Joachim, T. Kappler, R. Krestel, and P. Perera, "Engineering a Semantic Desktop for Building Historians and Architects", 1st Workshop on The Semantic Desktop - Next Generation Personal Information Management and Collaboration Infrastructure, vol. 175, Galway, Ireland, pp. 138–152, November 6, 2005. Abstract  Download: 34_witte_engineeringsd_final.pdf (503.37 KB)