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Semantic Software Lab
Concordia University
Montréal, Canada

ontological reasoning

{An Ontological Software Comprehension Process Model}

Meng, W. J., J. Rilling, Y. Zhang, R. Witte, and P. Charland, "{An Ontological Software Comprehension Process Model}", 3rd International Workshop on Metamodels, Schemas, Grammars, and Ontologies for Reverse Engineering (ATEM 2006), Genoa, Italy, October 1st, 2006.

{A Unified Ontology-Based Process Model for Software Maintenance and Comprehension}

Rilling, J., Y. Zhang, W. J. Meng, R. Witte, V. Haarslev, and P. Charland, "{A Unified Ontology-Based Process Model for Software Maintenance and Comprehension}", Models in Software Engineering: Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006, Genoa, Italy, October 1-6, 2006, Reports and Revised Selected Papers, vol. 4364, Genoa, Italy : Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 56–65, 2007.
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