Publications from the Semantic Software Lab
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A Personal Research Agent for Semantic Knowledge Management of Scientific Literature,
, Ph.D. Computer Science, Montreal : Concordia University, 02/2018.
"Semantic User Profiles: Learning Scholars' Competences by Analyzing their Publications",
Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data (SAVE-SD 2016), vol. 9792, Montreal, QC, Canada : Springer International Publishing, 04/2016.
Download: savesd16.pdf (481.69 KB)
"Automatic Construction of a Semantic Knowledge Base from CEUR Workshop Proceedings",
The 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (The Semantic Publishing Challenge 2015), vol. 548, Portoroz, Slovenia : Springer, pp. 129–141, 06/2015.
Download: sempub2015_poster.pdf (1.52 MB); sempub_challenge2015.pdf (903.62 KB)
"Collaborative Semantic Management and Automated Analysis of Scientific Literature",
The 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), vol. 8798, Anissaras, Crete, Greece : Springer, pp. 494-498, 05/2014.
Download: zeeva-eswc14.pdf (311.49 KB)
"Semantic Text Mining for Lignocellulose Research",
The ACM Fifth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics in conjunction with CIKM, Glasgow, UK : ACM New York, NY, USA ©2011, 10/2011.
Download: dtmbio2011_talk.pdf (1.22 MB); dtmbio2011_authorsversion.pdf (667.39 KB)
"Converting a Historical Architecture Encyclopedia into a Semantic Knowledge Base",
IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 25, no. 1, Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE Computer Society, pp. 58--66, January/February, 2010.
Download: ieee-is-durm.pdf (1.61 MB)
"Empowering Software Maintainers with Semantic Web Technologies",
4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), no. 4519, Innsbruck, Austria : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 37–52, June 3–7, 2007.
Download: eswc07-witte.pdf (689.81 KB)
"Enhanced semantic access to the protein engineering literature using ontologies populated by text mining",
Int.\ J.\ Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 389–413, 2007.
Download: witte_etal_ijbra2007.pdf (376.3 KB)
"Ontology Design for Biomedical Text Mining",
Semantic Web: Revolutionizing Knowledge Discovery in the Life Sciences, New York, NY, USA : Springer Science+Business Media, pp. 281–313, 2007.
Download: ontology_design_preprint.pdf (811.59 KB)
"A Unified Ontology-Based Process Model for Software Maintenance and Comprehension",
Models in Software Engineering: Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006, Genoa, Italy, October 1-6, 2006, Reports and Revised Selected Papers, vol. 4364, Genoa, Italy : Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 56–65, 2007.
Download: Rilling_etal-MoDELS2006.pdf (253.17 KB)
"An Ontology-based Approach for the Recovery of Traceability Links",
3rd International Workshop on Metamodels, Schemas, Grammars, and Ontologies for Reverse Engineering (ATEM 2006), Genoa, Italy, October 1st, 2006.
Download: Zhang_etal-ATEM2006.pdf (375 KB)
"Mutation mining–A prospector's tale",
Information Systems Frontiers (ISF), vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 47–57, February, 2006.
"Enriching Protein Structure Visualizations with Mutation Annotations Obtained by Text Mining Protein Engineering Literature",
The 3rd Canadian Working Conference on Computational Biology (CCCB'04), Markham, Ontario, Canada, October 4, 2004.
Download: baker_witte_cccb04.pdf (272.1 KB)